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How to Make RootsTech 2021 Successful for You

Rootstech 2021 is only a week away and I can’t wait! This year it’s going to be different because it’s all virtual and all free! Yep, all free! First time ever! I’ve been to three Rootstechs in the past and I’ve learned from each one. But this year will be even more learning and all in the comfort of our homes. Who knows, maybe this will be the new norm for RootsTech?

What’s the Same about RootsTech 2021

Some things that probably won’t change is that you need to have a plan going into this event. It’s so huge that you can easily get distracted with some really great stuff, but not what you need. So have a plan before you register or attend this event. I like to have a plan on what I want to learn, but I also keep some wiggle room in case I find a class that will benefit me that I didn’t know about.

how to make rootstech 2021 successful for you,

There will still be keynote speakers, but they will be online instead of the big stadium and podium they are used to. Some of the past keynote speakers have been Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Buddy Valastro, Jr. from the TV series “Cake Boss”, Leigh Anne Tuohy the real life mom from the movie “The Blind Side”, etc. So they don’t skimp on the celebrity’s at this event.

They still plan on having the Expo Hall, which is the main vendor hall where hundreds of vendors from every branch of genealogy show their products and services. I don’t know how it’s going to look virtually this year, but at least they’re still having this. I’m excited to learn how they’re planning on showing the Expo Hall this year.

They will still provide one-on-one research help for those who need it. These are done by professional genealogists who stay the entire time helping each person who signs up. You need to reserve a private session if you choose to do this. But there’s plenty of opportunities to explore the rest of the Expo Hall or take a class while you’re waiting for your private session.

Classes!!! These are still the same even if all of them are virtual. There will be over 300 classes to choose from and you’re not going to be able to take all of them. So again have a plan of the general topics you want to learn about and then once the class schedule is out you can start acting on that plan. Have a plan A, plan B, and a plan C because these classes fill up. Although, I don’t know how they’re going to work the class size now that it’s online.

What’s Different about RootsTech 2021

It’s free!!! Did I say that already? This is the first time in over ten years that they have made all of RootsTech available to everybody. You just need to register at their website and you’re in.

It’s global! Because it’s free, they have opened it up to the whole world. That’s astounding! So they used to have their event in the U.S. in February then they would do it again in London, England in November. And I’m sure they had plans for taking the event to more places. However, I think the quarantine helped to make this decision easier and sooner than what they had planned.

how to make rootstech 2021 successful for you,

There will be full access to their library of all of the archived classes from the past years. Usually you had limited access depending on your pass, but now it’s available to all. Again, they’ve never done that and it’s surprising to us seasoned goers that they’re doing that. But I say it’s great because now anyone can access anything from any part of the world. We’ll see how it goes this year.

This one is pure speculation, but I wonder if they’re pulling in professional genealogists from all over the world to do classes? That would be amazing! Especially if you are researching your immigrant ancestors and you could talk to a person from the country about how to find them. RootsTech 2021 will definitely be one for the memory books.


RootsTech is by far a place of high energy and love for all things genealogy. If you’re interested and haven’t signed up for it yet, then go to their website and give it a try. What do you have to lose?

Also if you want to read related articles on this then check out the articles below…

In the meantime…good luck and happy hunting!


P.S. If you haven’t signed up for your freebie yet, then go sign up! You’ll get all of my favorite websites for American and Scandinavian research to help you on your journey.

free events, genealogy events, RootsTech