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My Experience with Organizing Photos

Ok, so I’ve had a month to organize my digital and print photos and I must say it’s been interesting.  I’m nowhere near completing this project. But I’ve learned some things along the way that I hope will keep me going for future photo organizing.  I’ve been organizing my digital photos because my aunt recently sent me some photos from my mom’s family on a USB drive. I wanted to organize them so I can use them in future photo projects. Luckily, she had already done a lot of organizing already. But I wanted to do more. So this is what I’ve learned from starting this project…

My Thoughts Can Either Help Me or Stop Me

As soon as I committed myself to doing this photo project, my mind instantly came up with concerns. Things like, “Are you sure you want to do this? Do you have time to start a new project? You don’t really know how to properly organize your photos?” And I must admit that this usually stops me from doing a lot of projects. It still does. But I knew that I wanted to focus on my photos this year. I’ve been pushing them off for years because I thought it was too overwhelming. It would be too big of a project.  Am I the only one that thinks this?

My experience with organizing photos,

So I decided to change my thinking. I really felt called to organize my photos for this month and not push it off any longer. That’s the first thought. So when I started thinking those other limiting thoughts, I relied and that first thought. Then I started answering those concerns. Yes, I’m sure I want to at least start this project. And yes, I can find the time to start this new project. I know I don’t really know how to properly organize my photos. So I’ll research it online and see what the experts are saying. And yes that will take some time, but I’m committed to doing it this year. And then I proceeded to fitting it into my schedule just like I would any other task. Then my brain calmed down! I showed it that I can do it even with those concerns.

I Don’t Have Organize All Of My Photos Right Now

Another concern I have is trying to do it all right now. I’ve had to keep telling myself that this project will take more than a month to complete because I have that many photos. And I will continue to take photos. So when I start feeling that overwhelm because it will take a long time, I just remind myself that I’m all in. I still need to schedule it into my day or week and still hold myself accountable. But I can do it even with my other tasks and projects that I want to do. It’s a journey and not a one time event.

I Look Forward to Organizing My Photos

I actually look forward to the time when I can organize my photos. I didn’t think I would like doing it, but I like the added benefit of walking down memory lane. I’m reminded of all the good times that we’ve had even if it was small. Organizing my photos can be fun and easy! There are simple ways that are effective and work for properly organizing and storing photos. I just needed to believe in that. Now I have to get my other work done before I let myself sit down and organize my photos! Otherwise, I would avoid doing my other important work.

  Last Thoughts on Organizing Photos

my experience with organizing photos,

I love that this has been my focus for this month. I want to continue organizing my photos and getting better at it. Now I know that there are different levels of properly organizing and storing my photos. Some photos need the top level Smithsonian archival quality treatment, such as Archival Methods. While other photos need just the basics in order to be properly stored, such as Walmart. It all counts! But I do need to keep in mind the end goal with my photos. How long do I want to keep them? 50 years? 100 years? And that will determine how I properly organize and store them.

So I will keep doing what I’m doing and also change what I’m doing when I need to. It just depends on the situation and my ultimate goal with this organization. And I’m all in!

And as always…good luck and happy hunting!


P.S. My other articles in this series that give you more how to’s and links to organizing websites…

digital photos, family photos, old photos, organizing photos, print photos