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Wednesday Wisdom

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. This week is a pretty slow week for me so I’m able to catch up on all of my projects that are half done! Woo Hoo! Anyway, I’m starting a new midweek post about tips, tricks, humor, quick stories, pick of the week items, etc. to share with you guys. I hope it’s fun and a little educational as well.

So here goes…

Tip #1
Never, Ever give up! Have the attitude that the document or person you are seeking is out there and that you just have to find it or them.  Remember that everything is figure-out-able.  That attitude will keep you going when the search is longer than you expected or the document is harder to find.  Discouragement is normal in this journey of discovering our ancestors. Let the discouragement come, but then politely tell it to not stay.  Tell it that you have work to do and that discouragement won’t help find what you’re looking for.  Keep going forward!!  Try, try, and try some more.  That’s what every family historian and professional genealogist does every day.  You can to!

Tip #2
Find the humor in your journey.  Take a break from scrolling through pages of dusty books or scanning every document online.  Read a funny genealogy quote on Pinterest.  You could even start a Pinterest board about everything that’s humorous about genealogy.  It doesn’t have to be ALL work! So let me share with you a favorite quote of mine…

Have fun my friends!! Good luck and let the blessings from your hard work flow!

attitude, determination, genealogy humor, tips and tricks