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Author: Tiffany

Danish Church Records-Is Your Ancestor in There?

Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of genealogy! Who’s excited to learn about Danish church records? I know that when I first learned about these records, it took some time and effort to understand them. I still need time to translate them, but the format of these records is easier to understand these days. So let me show you what these...

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A Brief Look at Danish Census Records

Hello Everyone! How’s it going this week! Off to do some genealogy right? Right! Good answer. I love talking all things genealogy. I especially love explaining how Scandinavian records work because I was in your shoes a few years ago and now I want to share what I know with you. Let’s start with once you have found your immigrant ancestor’s...

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5 Top Danish Websites that I Use and Love!

Hey friends! How’s the summer treating you these days? Has the mid summer blues hit your house yet? Do you here the constant “I’m bored!” in your house? July is tough sometimes because you still have lots of summer still before school starts yet you’ve already done all of your favorite summer activities. Ugh! What is...

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Getting Started with Danish Towns of Origin

Hello everyone! How are you doing this week? I hope you enjoyed some 4th of July celebrations yesterday if you celebrate that. I know we had fun with watching fireworks and having our own barbecue dinner with all of our family that lives in the area. It was awesome!So who’s ready to talk about all things Danish genealogy?! I am!!!! No really,...

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Midsummer-Scandinavian Style

Hello everyone! How’s your summer going? Is it rocking and rolling or are you already bored?! Has your genealogy research been put on the back burner due to kids, pools, and flexible summer schedules? No worries! You just do you this summer! My summer is very much up and down with things that my daughter wants to do and things that I want to...

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How to find your Swedish Military Ancestor

Hello everyone! How has your week gone this week? Are you enjoying summer? I hope that whatever plans you have for summer you will take time to search for your ancestors. It’s a great summer project for the family as well. I mentioned last week that I would show you how to search for an ancestor on the main Swedish military website this week....

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Sweden Military-Did your Ancestor Serve?

Hello everyone! How has your week gone? I hope life hasn’t been too hard on you this week. If it has, then I sympathize. It’s no fun going through a trial or challenge. It’s much better for us humans to be on the other side of those. I may not understand what your trial looks like or how it affects you, but you’ve definitely...

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Public Family Trees-Can They Help You?

Hello everyone! How has your week been? Has it been crazy busy or slow and steady? Have you tried your hand at the tips I taught last week about Ancestry and Family Search? It’s super awesome, huh? I really have fun using the card catalog and the Family Search catalog. I hope you are having some good luck with them. If not, then drop me a...

Continue reading and Search Tips

Hello everyone! How’s your week going? I’m excited to be with you for another week! Have you ever searched on or and they show you a hundred or thousand search results? It can be very overwhelming! Let me tell you about a little known feature on both of them that has helped me be a better and faster researcher.Ancestry.comCard...

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