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Author: Tiffany

Wednesday Wisdom 5 Norwegian Habits that may Help with the Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving…almost! Are you excited for delicious food, complex company, and Black Friday Sales? I know I am! How do you celebrate the holidays? Is it simple or elaborate? Complicated or sparse? Lots of people or just you? Any way you celebrate it is awesome! Although the holidays usually add a lot of stress for me and I tend to resist...

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How to Find Marriage Records using Norway’s Digital Archives

Hi everyone! How’s life this week? Have you hit a brick wall? Do you know where to go or what to do about it? If not, then maybe I can help. Send me a comment or email me your question. I also have a Facebook Page called The Nordic Genealogy Hour that you can leave your questions.  So, what happens when, in your genealogy journey, you need...

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Wednesday Wisdom on a Thursday

Hey friends! Here’s a checklist for what to do when researching your Scandinavian ancestor. Keep this checklist handy to refer back to when you need to know the next step or to refresh your memory.  Good luck!  1. Gather all that you know from family and friends. 2. Organize what you have and search everything from Bibles to newspaper...

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A Different Way to Think About the Holidays and Genealogy

Hello everyone! How’s it going this week? I hope all is well and that the holiday plans aren’t stressing you out too much! Do you have plans for Thanksgiving? I think that’s what I love about the holidays. It’s the family get together with all of us humans. Nobody’s perfect and that’s what makes a story. I bet everyone has a juicy story or two...

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Wednesday Wisdom-Trees and Genealogy

Hey everyone! Have you ever looked at a tree in winter and saw all of the many branches on it? There are hundreds of branches twisting and turning to reach the sun.  We have a huge tree in our front yard that is beautiful to me.  I love watching the tree change during its many seasons.  My favorite is the fall because it explodes...

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2 Things You Should Know about Norwegian Place Names

Hey everyone! How’s it going? Any genealogy stories to share? I’m working on Johanna’s sister’s family and it’s amazing! I’m learning how to use city records and even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint records.  I found that this religion had a branch in the city where my family was from.  I have yet to find out if they were...

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Wednesday Wisdom – Pre Halloween Genealogy Story

I apologize for posting this on Thursday instead of Wednesday. I completely forgot until Thursday morning! Oh well. Here it is in all of its glory if not a little late. It’s getting closer to Halloween so I thought I would share with you an interesting story that I ran across. It’s about why living rooms are called living rooms.  Many articles...

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