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Author: Tiffany

How to Merge People in FamilySearch

When we use FamilySearch’s Family Tree, we can discover that other people have already entered our ancestor’s information. We then end up with a duplicate for that person. Now what do you do? Well, here’s the basic way to merge your ancestors.Open Up Your Ancestor’s Person PageClick on an ancestor in your family tree, then...

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How I Use Historical Newspapers for Genealogy

Sometimes, as genealogists, we want to put more life to an ancestor’s life other than names and dates. They aren’t personal to us until there’s a story behind that data. One of the tools that I use to bring stories to an ancestor’s life is by using historical newspapers. Now we use newspapers for a variety of reasons. Sometimes...

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Genealogy Hack: Create a Genealogy Bucket List

So the year 2020 hasn’t been entirely predictable has it? We are all for making bucket lists for each season and I love doing that with my family. However, I have never made a bucket list of just family history ideas before. So, I decided to do just that and include things that don’t require large groups.Spotlight an AncestorWouldn’t...

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Genealogy Hack: Use Websites to Engage Kids

I know you love genealogy, right? If you didn’t have any other responsibilities to do, you most likely would pick genealogy to fill your day. However, for those of you with kids, they might not love the same thing you do. This is where genealogy websites come in for the win! I’m going to highlight some websites that have kids activities...

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Genealogy Hack: Journal Like a Pro

Let’s focus on journaling in this article. Journaling is part of genealogy and has the added benefit of being therapeutic. I personally love to journal even though I’m not consistent at it, but that’s ok! Let me share what works for me and my family and you can see if it works for yours.Journal for Busy MomsI know life is tough...

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Genealogy Hack: Document Using Your Phone

I love genealogy! I love researching my ancestors as far back as I can go. It’s very satisfying when I find that elusive 1700s or 1600s record that I’ve been researching for years. However, I also love preserving my family’s memories and our lives today. So today I’m sharing some genealogy hacks that have helped me to document...

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Genealogy Hack: Learn the Family Search Wiki

When I’m beginning a research project, I like to start with the Family Search Wiki found on It’s one of my first steps that I take when starting a project. You can use this hack as well. It’s super simple, but it gives loads of information! United States GenealogyI use the Wiki when I’m researching in the...

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Genealogy Hack: How to Use Genealogy Word Lists

You have ancestors that emigrated from Europe, Scandinavia, South America, etc. You are now faced with trying to find and read foreign records. What is your usual response when faced with these records? Do you stop, put it on the back burner for later, or do you find someone to help you? What tools do you already use to help you decipher these records?...

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Genealogy Hack: What is a Timeline for Genealogy?

What is a timeline? Most people learn about timelines in school for their history classes. A timeline is a list of events in a chronological form. History classes use this tool as a way for people to remember dates and places. However, we use timelines as a genealogy hack to show the dates and places of our ancestors. These timelines can correspond...

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