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Do Norwegians Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day and I’m so curious about this question. Do Norwegians have any affiliation with the Irish? And come to find out, they do! These two cultures have a long history together so it’s no wonder that even though it’s not a National holiday, they still celebrate it. So I’m here to share some...

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12 RootsTech Classes to Keep You Motivated in Your Genealogy

It’s the week after RootsTech 2023 and I’m feeling bummed that it’s over. I love the inspiration that this event provides and the family history high that I’m just now coming down from.  I still want to learn all things family history so that’s why I turn to past Rootstech classes to keep me motivated. They have saved...

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Find Norwegian Census Records in 3 Simple Ways

Census records will be one of the first places you will look when starting on your Norwegian ancestor search. The other one will be church records. But I like to start with the census records because it gives me a feel for the family dynamics. I learn who is in the family, where they resided, when they were born, and a whole bunch more information....

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How to Find Norwegian Church Records Like a Pro

Finding Norwegian church records when they’re not on or can be challenging if you don’t know where to look. I will show you my way of finding those records using the Norwegian Digital Archives website.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I love using and for most of my genealogy...

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4 Important Tips When Using Norwegian Records

There are many things to be aware of when working with Norwegian records or any Scandinavian records. These things will help you find your Norwegian ancestors faster and more efficiently if you understand them. So take the time to learn how the Norwegians do things and you will find success. Naming Patterns in Norwegian RecordsNorwegian people...

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A Reliable Way To Start Norwegian Genealogy

Hello family historians! Did you just learn that you have Norwegian ancestors? Have you known about your Norwegian ancestors and yet didn’t want to get started on them just yet? Getting started with your Norwegian genealogy records isn’t as complicated as you might expect. It is a simple step by step process just like any research project....

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My Experience with Organizing Photos

Ok, so I’ve had a month to organize my digital and print photos and I must say it’s been interesting.  I’m nowhere near completing this project. But I’ve learned some things along the way that I hope will keep me going for future photo organizing.  I’ve been organizing my digital photos because my aunt recently sent...

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My Recommendations for Organizing Old Photos

We all know that organizing our photos is a good thing. But we often lack the why behind that duty. I for one haven’t touched my photos in quite some time because in my mind it’s such a daunting task. It’s also not in my wheelhouse when it comes to genealogy. I love photos! I love the stories behind them! But I don’t love...

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Reliable Ways to Organize and Store Old Photos

It’s the beginning of another year and I’m thinking of organization once again. It happens every year that I naturally want to organize at the beginning of the year. I usually end up just decluttering my space to get it ready for new research projects or business goals that I have. But I recently received a USB drive full of photos of...

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