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Find Your Scandinavian Latter-day Saint Pioneer Pt 1

Hello everyone! How did your week go this week? Was it an easy one or a challenging one? Mine, thankfully, was an easy one, but next week proves to be busy. This week I want you to be aware of an important chapter in our Scandinavian ancestors’ lives. One of the reasons people immigrated to America was for religion. Your ancestor may have...

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A Norwegian Research Story

Hi everyone! How’s your week going? Are you finding your school year groove yet or is your chaos your groove this year? I finally feel settled into my new school and family routine! I love it when that happens! I don’t really like the transition stage of anything in life, so I’m glad that I’m finally settled in.Last week I...

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Getting to Know Your Ancestor Better

Hello everyone! Can you believe August is just about over and we will officially be in Fall in a few days? Wow, how time flies! Wouldn’t it be fun to walk in your ancestor’s shoes? Who among you has done that yet? It could be going to a town that they lived in or doing a whole journey from your ancestor’s birth to their death. How...

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Public Family Trees-Can They Help You?

Hello everyone! How has your week been? Has it been crazy busy or slow and steady? Have you tried your hand at the tips I taught last week about Ancestry and Family Search? It’s super awesome, huh? I really have fun using the card catalog and the Family Search catalog. I hope you are having some good luck with them. If not, then drop me a...

Continue reading and Search Tips

Hello everyone! How’s your week going? I’m excited to be with you for another week! Have you ever searched on or and they show you a hundred or thousand search results? It can be very overwhelming! Let me tell you about a little known feature on both of them that has helped me be a better and faster researcher.Ancestry.comCard...

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Genealogy Travel-Tips and Tricks

It’s travel season everyone! I’ve been feeling the travel bug ever since my neck of the woods has warmed up somewhat. It’s got me thinking about doing some genealogy travel. What is that you ask? It’s where you travel around the world for genealogy purposes. You can travel for researching at archives, for visiting your ancestor’s...

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Documenting Our Ancestor’s Lives

Hi, friends! I hope all is well this week! Any good genealogy gems this week? Wasn’t RootsTech amazing last week. I learned so much about the different aspects of genealogy. I want to focus this week on documenting our genealogy. Why do we search for hours on or looking for that elusive record? Why does it matter to...

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RootsTech and Becoming a Professional Genealogist

RootsTech logoHello everyone! How’s it going this week? It’s Roots Tech week! What’s that you say? It’s a genealogy convention held in Salt Lake City, UT that covers everything genealogy.  They have classes on just about everything, DNA, photos, preservation, tech, regional research, maps, social media, latest news and trends, etc.  They...

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