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Free Genealogy Websites that I Use and Love

We all love something that’s free, right? My husband is famous for saying, “If it’s free, it’s for me!” This is also the case for free genealogy websites. We are all looking for more free websites that will get us the genealogy information or record that we need. Therefore, I compiled a list of some of the free websites...

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2 Ways to Keep Genealogy Fun When Researching

Sometimes we stop our genealogy journey because it’s not fun anymore, right? We lose the excitement or the novelty of the project and now we’re left with the work. This is a crossroads moment. Will we choose to press forward knowing that it won’t be as much fun or do we stop where we are and move to something else? Sometimes that...

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3 Simple Steps to go from Overwhelm to Productive

Right now we are very accustomed to going through the roller coaster of emotions. This particularly happens when we look at all of the genealogy projects we want to do, right? There’s so many good genealogy activities that will fill our time with joy, but sometimes we feel overwhelmed. There’s just so much to do! So let me share with...

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Effective Tips When Stuck on a Certain Family Member

Are you stuck on a family member and can’t get past them in your genealogy research? You want to push back in your family tree, but you just can’t move past this one family member. You feel certain that ancestor is out there with records about his/her life, but for the life of you, you can’t find them! Welcome to what we lovingly...

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What to do When You Have a Full Family Tree

Are you the type of person who has a full family tree? Do you have relatives who are enthusiastic about researching and connecting the family and have “done all of the work”? I get this excuse a lot when I talk with people about their family history. They say all of the work has been done and they know their ancestry for 8+ generations....

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How to Merge People in FamilySearch

When we use FamilySearch’s Family Tree, we can discover that other people have already entered our ancestor’s information. We then end up with a duplicate for that person. Now what do you do? Well, here’s the basic way to merge your ancestors.Open Up Your Ancestor’s Person PageClick on an ancestor in your family tree, then...

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How I Use Historical Newspapers for Genealogy

Sometimes, as genealogists, we want to put more life to an ancestor’s life other than names and dates. They aren’t personal to us until there’s a story behind that data. One of the tools that I use to bring stories to an ancestor’s life is by using historical newspapers. Now we use newspapers for a variety of reasons. Sometimes...

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Genealogy Hack: Create a Genealogy Bucket List

So the year 2020 hasn’t been entirely predictable has it? We are all for making bucket lists for each season and I love doing that with my family. However, I have never made a bucket list of just family history ideas before. So, I decided to do just that and include things that don’t require large groups.Spotlight an AncestorWouldn’t...

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Genealogy Hack: Use Websites to Engage Kids

I know you love genealogy, right? If you didn’t have any other responsibilities to do, you most likely would pick genealogy to fill your day. However, for those of you with kids, they might not love the same thing you do. This is where genealogy websites come in for the win! I’m going to highlight some websites that have kids activities...

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