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How My Nordic Ancestors Have Changed My Christmas

How have you connected with your ancestors over the years? One of my favorite ways to connect is by doing what my ancestors did. I’ve learned many things about my Nordic ancestors, but my most favorite are my Christmas traditions. I recently found Jacquie Lawson 2020 Nordic Advent Calendar that is all about the Nordic traditions. My daughter...

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How to Begin Gathering Long-Distance Family Stories

Does your family get events look different now? Do we have more family connecting over long distances then ever before? This is tough around the holidays when we are used to gathering at someone’s house and having those more intimate settings. But all is not lost. We can still feel that close connection with our family by gathering those long-distance...

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3 Easy Steps for Recording and Sharing Family Stories

This month I’m sharing practical ways to gather and record your family stories because isn’t December the family story month? It is when my family gets together for the holidays! So today I’m going to show you simple steps to do with Family Search and your phone. This is the easiest, no planning way of recording those family stories....

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5 Simple Tips for Gathering Stories for Genealogy

You are heard…that’s what we ultimately want to feel when we gather as groups to tell stories. Stories bring us together in ways that other methods can’t. Gathering stories is a way for all of us, young and old, to connect with one another. And besides, it’s just plain fun! The holidays are a natural time for people to...

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Practical Genealogy Gift Ideas for the Non-Genealogist

Have you ever Googled genealogy gifts and found tons of options for those who love family history? What about those who aren’t die hard family historians, but still want to connect to their family or learn where they come from? I’m sharing some practical genealogy gift ideas that I’ve done in the past and that are still on my bucket...

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2 Ways to Keep Genealogy Fun When Researching

Sometimes we stop our genealogy journey because it’s not fun anymore, right? We lose the excitement or the novelty of the project and now we’re left with the work. This is a crossroads moment. Will we choose to press forward knowing that it won’t be as much fun or do we stop where we are and move to something else? Sometimes that...

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Effective Tips When Stuck on a Certain Family Member

Are you stuck on a family member and can’t get past them in your genealogy research? You want to push back in your family tree, but you just can’t move past this one family member. You feel certain that ancestor is out there with records about his/her life, but for the life of you, you can’t find them! Welcome to what we lovingly...

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How to Merge People in FamilySearch

When we use FamilySearch’s Family Tree, we can discover that other people have already entered our ancestor’s information. We then end up with a duplicate for that person. Now what do you do? Well, here’s the basic way to merge your ancestors.Open Up Your Ancestor’s Person PageClick on an ancestor in your family tree, then...

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Genealogy Hack: Create a Genealogy Bucket List

So the year 2020 hasn’t been entirely predictable has it? We are all for making bucket lists for each season and I love doing that with my family. However, I have never made a bucket list of just family history ideas before. So, I decided to do just that and include things that don’t require large groups.Spotlight an AncestorWouldn’t...

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