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Genealogy Hack: Learn the Family Search Wiki

When I’m beginning a research project, I like to start with the Family Search Wiki found on It’s one of my first steps that I take when starting a project. You can use this hack as well. It’s super simple, but it gives loads of information! United States GenealogyI use the Wiki when I’m researching in the...

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Genealogy Hack: How to Use Genealogy Word Lists

You have ancestors that emigrated from Europe, Scandinavia, South America, etc. You are now faced with trying to find and read foreign records. What is your usual response when faced with these records? Do you stop, put it on the back burner for later, or do you find someone to help you? What tools do you already use to help you decipher these records?...

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How to Research Scandinavian Names for Genealogy

Do you have trouble understanding your ancestor’s Scandinavian names and how they used them? Each country had it’s own naming patterns and until you understand how they named their people, you won’t get very far. Scandinavian Naming Patterns-PatronymicsScandinavian naming customs started before the 1600’s when most people...

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How to Find Women in Scandinavian Records

Have you ever struggled with trying to find women’s names in American records because they change their maiden names to their married names in documents? I have also struggled with that in the past. However, it’s not the same case when you’re trying to find Scandinavian women in their records. Once you know the Scandinavian naming...

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Your Ancestor’s Occupations Can Lead to More Clues

It’s May Day today! Do you know what that means? It means that the Scandinavian people get the day off from work. It’s a National holiday for most Scandinavians and they enjoy it to the fullest. Actually, they start celebrating the day before May Day because they also get this day off as well in celebration of spring and summer right...

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How I Work as a Genealogist Q&A

Want to know what it would be like to work with me as a genealogist? Then you’re in for a treat because I answer some questions that have come my way in the hopes that it will inspire you to get the genealogy help that you need.What does a one-on-one consultation look like for you?I tell people that they have a free 30 minute consultation with...

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How to Prepare for RootsTech like a Pro

What is RootsTech you ask? It’s only one of the biggest genealogy conferences in the U.S. that’s all. It’s coming up on Feb. 26-29, 2020. It’s not too late to sign up for this important event. If you haven’t signed up for it and you’re interested then here’s the link. In this article, let’s talk to...

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2 Easy Ways to Document Your Family’s Love Letters

Did your ancestor’s ever write love letters to each other? How about just regular letters? Do you have cards, postcards, or other paper correspondence that you want to document and share? It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I want to share with you two ways that can help you document those special letters. The word “document”...

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Getting Started with Your Genealogy with 2 Websites

Are you brand new to genealogy? Getting started with genealogy can be overwhelming at first. Have you begun your personal genealogy, but want to create family trees on Ancestry and FamilySearch and don’t know how? Then this article will show you the steps to getting started.Ancestry.comThis website is a major powerhouse in the field of genealogy....

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