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How Can a Research Log Help Me be a Better Genealogist?

Hey Friends! How’s it going this week? Any new genealogy discoveries? Any new brick walls? Have you tried applying new organization tools this week? Anyway, it’s great to share with you more of what has helped me with my genealogy. So let’s get started!This week I’m sharing another organizing tool that has really helped me get even better at my research....

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How Research Plans Helped Me Get my Genealogy Goals in Shape

Hi friends! How is everyone doing this week? I’m doing great as usual! My life has been pretty normal this past week. We just got done celebrating my daughter’s birthday and I must admit that she is growing up fast! I was just looking at some of her birthday pictures and I was comparing them to her pictures taken last year. I can see the difference! Her...

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How do YOU Organize your Genealogy?

Happy New Year everyone! I love a fresh start and the New Year makes it easier to think new thoughts about my life, my family, my career, and my goals. I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because I’m constantly making goals all year long.  I personally believe that one should be making goals all year and not only making the big goals at New...

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Swedish and Finnish Christmas Traditions of the Past

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas! There are only three more days until Christmas Eve when most Scandinavians celebrate Christmas. For some people this means a frantic rush to get all of their tasks done and their stress levels are through the roof. For others this means a time to anticipate good food, good company, and good fun! I hope you’re not...

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Wednesday Wisdom-5 Genealogy Books and Magazines that I Use and Love

Hey everyone! It’s almost Christmas! Who’s ready and who’s scrambling for last minute gift ideas? Don’t worry I’ve got you covered for ideas. Today’s post is all about last minute genealogy Christmas gifts! You’re welcome… Here’s 5 items that I have personally used or owned and loved! 1. Professional Genealogy-Preparation, Practice,...

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A New Way to See Light at Christmas

Hey everyone! How’s it going? During the Christmas season, my family loves to look at the Christmas lights.  I make it a point to show my daughter all of the lights along our way to the grocery store, the bank, the school, etc. My daughter ooh’s and aah’s over them and then usually goes back to playing her tablet. I can’t tell if she’s actually...

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How to Use Feast Days in Scandinavian Genealogy

Hey everyone! How did your week go? It’s Friday and that means the weekend is just around the corner! How are your Christmas plans going? I hope you’re not too stressed with all of the gift giving, baking, and partying going on. I’m trying really hard to keep this season a simple one and not let myself get too overwhelmed with all of the craziness....

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What do Feast Days mean for Genealogy?

Hello everyone! It’s December and that means all things Christmas! Long ago, Christmas was considered a Feast Day and that’s what we will be talking about for today and Friday. What if you run across a church record that doesn’t have a numerical date for the event? Instead, it has a word or an abbreviation that describes the day the event took...

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Wednesday Wisdom 5 Genealogy Website that I Love and Why!

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope your holiday was great! Mine was amazing! The highlight of my trip to my parent’s house was not only the Thanksgiving feast, but driving into the mountains to get our Christmas tree. That’s our tradition. We usually get our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. If it’s just my husband, daughter, and me,...

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