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How to Hygge Like a Scandinavian

The concept of hygge has been around since the 1800s in Denmark, but it originally was derived from the Norwegian word “hugga”, which loosely means to comfort. So hygge is basically any practical way or item that brings you comfort. It also inspires togetherness and contentedness with our situation and with ourselves.

It’s winter and it’s cold! In the Scandinavian regions it’s even colder for longer. So they have had to create happiness during the coldest, darkest times of the year. So this is what they do to keep comfort and happiness in their souls during winter and every other season.

how to hygge like a scandinavian,

Creating a hygge environment and lifestyle can be done in many ways. Sometimes we only think that it’s only for relaxing, but it’s actually for every part of our life. In our work, play, indoor and outdoor, family and by ourselves. So let me share how to create hygge in many areas

How to Hygge with Our Families

The concept is all about creating togetherness and contentedness in your atmosphere and circumstances. So that might mean scheduling time for family activities or just hanging out together. Having your family help out with chores and de-cluttering is another way to have hygge. Games are another way to create that togetherness. Food is not only a great family activity, but eating food with family and friends is a hygge-like activity.

Of course, it wouldn’t be hygge if you didn’t create mood lighting with candles! Candles are essential because they add the right amount of light while creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. So don’t forget the candles! They don’t have to be real, the faux ones work great as well.

I bet you’re already doing many things that would qualify in this category. So make a list of what you’re already doing. This will help you see that you are living a hygge lifestyle, but just haven’t noticed it yet. So here are some ideas…

how to hygge like a Scandinavian,
  • reading a book with your children
  • taking a walk in nature
  • feeling the snowflakes on your cheeks
  • playing in the snow with your family
  • making yourself a cup of coffee or hot chocolate
  • seeing Christmas lights
  • calling a friend or family member to chat
  • eating your favorite meal or treat
  • wearing your favorite sweater
  • putting on your coziest socks or pajamas

It has a lot to do with your five senses. What makes you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell the happiest or the most comfortable?


How do you do this at your work? It depends! Do you work from home? Then find a comfy spot to do your computer work. Schedule work time and family time and stick to the schedule. Buy office supplies that make you happy and bring that extra joy into your life. But hygge is also about doing a productive days work. When you can do some deep work, which means turning off the distractions as much as you can and then diving into your project or task. You can feel hygge when you are done with your work.

how to hygge like a Scandinavian,

If you work outside the home, then try creating your little space as cozy as you can. Hygge is also a mindset. So if you keep the basic principles of togetherness in mind, then you can think of ways you can do that at your work. Maybe go for a short nature walk at lunchtime or invite your coworker to have lunch with you. What would make you cozy at work? Obviously you can’t wear your pajamas to work, but maybe your comfiest work sweater would give you the same feel. Or your warmest socks would be just the thing you need to stay in that hygge mindset.


So I hope you’ve figured it out by now what hygge is and what it’s not. But let’s talk about relaxing and what it can look like in this area. So what relaxes you? Does it change with your moods or with your circumstances? Sometimes, it will be curling up with a good book, but at other times it will be stargazing or taking a walk. So think about things that relax you both inside and outside your home. Here’s some ideas in this area…

  • Snuggle in your favorite blanket with your favorite book or TV show
  • Meditating
  • Listen to calming music
  • Sit by the fireplace
  • Light some candles
  • Go for a walk when it’s gently snowing
  • Take a warm shower or bath
  • Do some stargazing
  • Have a backyard movie night
  • Work in the garden
  • Talk with a neighbor or friend

Last thoughts on How To Hygge

The more we have hygge in our lives, the more we will be our best selves. Maybe this is why the Scandinavian countries are known for the happiest people because they take the time to really explore what hygge is in their lives so they can be their best selves. So if you’re interested in learning more about this concept, then check out these books. Your library might have them or you can buy them on Amazon. Or just type in hygge and get a lot of options!

And in the meantime…good luck and happy hunting!


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comfort, cozy, holidays, hygge, scandinavian, winter