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Tag: 21 day connections experiment

Creating a Simple Genealogy Plan for Summer

Do you know how you want to do genealogy this summer? This is my question when summer rolls around every year. What do I want to focus on with my genealogy? How do I want to schedule it into my day? My daughter will be home so do I want to involve her in family history or focus on something else with her? All of these questions float through my mind...

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How to Interview Your Relatives for Genealogy

Are you interested in capturing your living relatives stories? Have you figured out a way to do that yet? If you’re anything like me, then you’re still searching for how to interview your relatives for genealogy. So today I’m sharing what I’ve learned so far so that you can be more prepared for the holidays. I’ve learned...

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2 Ways to Stay Connected with Living Relatives

Are you struggling with connecting with your family? How are your relationships with your living relatives? Do you want to do more? Having those social connections is so important today not only for our emotional health, but also our physical health. There have been many studies linking physical diseases with how socially connected you are. So I’m...

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