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Tag: ancestors

5 Things I’m Grateful For About Genealogy

It’s November, which means it’s Thanksgiving month. And I’m all about being grateful this year, but more importantly I’m grateful for genealogy. So I wanted to share with you the things that I’m most grateful for when it comes to genealogy. I’m Grateful for My Curiosity I have been fascinated with my family history...

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How Fall Activities Connect Us To Our Ancestors

Genealogy isn’t just about researching names and dates. It’s also about connecting with real people who lived long ago. It’s about creating those feelings of closeness and comfort. This is why we have family traditions. This is why we learn from our parents and grandparents because we want to keep that connection alive. And this...

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How My Nordic Ancestors Have Changed My Christmas

How have you connected with your ancestors over the years? One of my favorite ways to connect is by doing what my ancestors did. I’ve learned many things about my Nordic ancestors, but my most favorite are my Christmas traditions. I recently found Jacquie Lawson 2020 Nordic Advent Calendar that is all about the Nordic traditions. My daughter...

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Genealogy Hack: Create a Genealogy Bucket List

So the year 2020 hasn’t been entirely predictable has it? We are all for making bucket lists for each season and I love doing that with my family. However, I have never made a bucket list of just family history ideas before. So, I decided to do just that and include things that don’t require large groups.Spotlight an AncestorWouldn’t...

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Genealogy Hack: Stay Focused

Our third installment for our Genealogy Research Hack Summer series is to stay focused. I’ve talked about this before, but it’s crucial during summer to stay focused when you’re researching your family. However, it’s also crucial to give yourself a break when summer is getting away from you. Do not beat yourself up because...

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4 Smart Strategies for Finding Marriage Records

Happy Valentine’s Day 2020! Let’s talk about Norwegian and Swedish marriage records today since it’s a very special holiday. Marriage records are a vital record that often gets overlooked because it can be tricky to find at times. Therefore, I’m going to give you some tips that I’ve learned about finding marriage records....

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Getting to Know Your Ancestor Better

Hello everyone! Can you believe August is just about over and we will officially be in Fall in a few days? Wow, how time flies! Wouldn’t it be fun to walk in your ancestor’s shoes? Who among you has done that yet? It could be going to a town that they lived in or doing a whole journey from your ancestor’s birth to their death. How...

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