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Tag: census

Find Norwegian Census Records in 3 Simple Ways

Census records will be one of the first places you will look when starting on your Norwegian ancestor search. The other one will be church records. But I like to start with the census records because it gives me a feel for the family dynamics. I learn who is in the family, where they resided, when they were born, and a whole bunch more information....

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4 Noticeable Differences in the 1950 Census

What differences in the 1950 census have you seen? Have you noticed new notations? Is the format different? Are the people arranged differently on this record? Yes to all of that! Things are slightly different on this record. I’ve had to learn it myself. So this article shares what’s new or different on this record. And what to do if you can’t find...

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How to Research the 1950 Census Record

The 1950 Census records are public! Now at the time of this article, they are still being indexed, but the original records can be searched online starting April 1, 2022. So it’s up to you whether you want to wait for them to be indexed or dive into the original records and go page by page. Eventually, they will all be easily accessed on the major...

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