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Tag: checklist

3 Essential Tools That You Need in Your Genealogy Research Toolkit

Essential genealogy tools are so needed when you are doing research, right? You know you need them, but which ones do you need? Well, it depends on what your problems are. And I’m not saying that you have problems, but if you work with genealogy then you have problems. So with problems come solutions. And just like you have many problems you...

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5 Genealogy Tools to Make Your Research Easier

Have you ever started a genealogy research session and stared at a blank page? Where do you start? Who do you research? And what records do you use? That’s where genealogy organization comes in. The genealogy tools that I share are some of the most basic that you’ll need to get the results that you want for your ancestors. Genealogy Tools:...

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Wednesday Wisdom on a Thursday

Hey friends! Here’s a checklist for what to do when researching your Scandinavian ancestor. Keep this checklist handy to refer back to when you need to know the next step or to refresh your memory.  Good luck!  1. Gather all that you know from family and friends. 2. Organize what you have and search everything from Bibles to newspaper...

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