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Tag: documenting

7 Simple Genealogy Projects for February

Do you need some genealogy projects for this month? Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and you want to make it meaningful, but don’t know how? I share some ideas that you can not only do for Valentine’s Day, but for the whole month. So let’s get started!Plan Genealogy TravelFebruary is ideal for planning trips big...

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Organize Your Life History and Find Joy

Are you ready to tackle your life history? What about just doing a page at a time? How do you even organize that without getting overwhelmed? I love life histories! I have always kept journals, albeit not perfectly, but I understand the principle about why we do it. I’ve gone back and read journals from when I was 13, 16, a newlywed, a new...

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Genealogy Hack: Document Using Your Phone

I love genealogy! I love researching my ancestors as far back as I can go. It’s very satisfying when I find that elusive 1700s or 1600s record that I’ve been researching for years. However, I also love preserving my family’s memories and our lives today. So today I’m sharing some genealogy hacks that have helped me to document...

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2 Easy Ways to Document Your Family’s Love Letters

Did your ancestor’s ever write love letters to each other? How about just regular letters? Do you have cards, postcards, or other paper correspondence that you want to document and share? It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I want to share with you two ways that can help you document those special letters. The word “document”...

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Documenting Our Ancestor’s Lives

Hi, friends! I hope all is well this week! Any good genealogy gems this week? Wasn’t RootsTech amazing last week. I learned so much about the different aspects of genealogy. I want to focus this week on documenting our genealogy. Why do we search for hours on or looking for that elusive record? Why does it matter to...

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