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Tag: family

Fun Genealogy Activities to do With Your Family

It’s summer! And that means fun in the sun, pool time, barbecues, vacations, and lots of downtime at home. So you want to do family history with your family, but you’re looking for ideas. These fun genealogy activities need to be easy, little to no planning, and doable for all ages. Also, they need to appeal to kids who love researching...

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How to Get Your Kids Excited about Genealogy

Do you have family members that you wish would be more interested in genealogy? Have you tried different things to engage them, but none has worked so far? I’m with you on this one! I’ve got family members that just aren’t interested. But I don’t give up. I’ve learned to be considerate of their seasons of life while...

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Genealogy and Family: 4 Useful Tips to Solve Problems

For the month of April let’s talk about genealogy and how to fit it into your family life, how to get your kids excited about it, how to include your family in it, and how to not pull your hair out with frustration along the way. Basically I will be talking about the family pain points of genealogy. So let’s get started!What’s the...

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9 Simple Ways to do Genealogy During Spring Break

Spring is here and that means spring break for those of you who have kids in school. Are you ready to do genealogy during spring break? My daughter goes to public school and has a week and a half for spring break. I always both dread and hope for school breaks. Mainly, because I now have to come up with a different schedule for my daughter and my...

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How do you use Swedish Household Examinations in Genealogy?

Hello Everyone! How’s your week going? I have a really fun article this week. Well, I had fun creating it anyway. I love using household examinations. This is where I really get to know a family and find out how they lived. It’s not complete, but it helps me know them as people instead of just names on paper.Our Family Case StudyLet’s...

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Swedish and Finnish Christmas Traditions of the Past

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas! There are only three more days until Christmas Eve when most Scandinavians celebrate Christmas. For some people this means a frantic rush to get all of their tasks done and their stress levels are through the roof. For others this means a time to anticipate good food, good company, and good fun! I hope you’re not...

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How Old Christmas Traditions can help with Genealogy

Happy Friday everyone! Isn’t it great to know that the weekend is just around the corner? For some of you that means a whole day or two of genealogy research! Yay! I remember the time before my daughter was born when I could research the whole day and not feel guilty at all for doing it. Now, on a good day, I have until she gets home from school. ...

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Wednesday Wisdom on a Thursday

Hey friends! Here’s a checklist for what to do when researching your Scandinavian ancestor. Keep this checklist handy to refer back to when you need to know the next step or to refresh your memory.  Good luck!  1. Gather all that you know from family and friends. 2. Organize what you have and search everything from Bibles to newspaper...

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