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Tag: family history

Genealogy Hack: Stay Focused

Our third installment for our Genealogy Research Hack Summer series is to stay focused. I’ve talked about this before, but it’s crucial during summer to stay focused when you’re researching your family. However, it’s also crucial to give yourself a break when summer is getting away from you. Do not beat yourself up because...

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Genealogy Hack: Read the Genealogy Directions

This genealogy hack is a simple, but profound one. Have you ever skipped over the directions because you think you know what that website or genealogy collection is all about? I have! However, over the years I’ve learned that if I want to be a more efficient genealogist, then I need to pick and choose what websites, collections, and places...

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Your Ancestor’s Occupations Can Lead to More Clues

It’s May Day today! Do you know what that means? It means that the Scandinavian people get the day off from work. It’s a National holiday for most Scandinavians and they enjoy it to the fullest. Actually, they start celebrating the day before May Day because they also get this day off as well in celebration of spring and summer right...

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What You CAN Do with a RootsTech Virtual Pass

Are you unable to go to RootsTech in person this year? It’s happening on Feb. 26, 2020. There’s still time for you to purchase the RootsTech virtual pass and learn from your home. Here is what I learned from my virtual learning experience!Virtual Pass ClassesRootsTech offers a virtual pass that costs $129 and gives you access to 30...

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Wednesday Wisdom-Trees and Genealogy

Hey everyone! Have you ever looked at a tree in winter and saw all of the many branches on it? There are hundreds of branches twisting and turning to reach the sun.  We have a huge tree in our front yard that is beautiful to me.  I love watching the tree change during its many seasons.  My favorite is the fall because it explodes...

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