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Tag: genealogy goals

4 Simple Steps to Create Genealogy Habits

Have you ever found yourself with a lot of genealogy goals and projects, but not a single one done? I have! So in this article we’re talking about how to create genealogy habits that will help you accomplish your genealogy goals and projects.I’ve been reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and I’ve noticed that the rules that he talks about in his...

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How to Look Forward on Your Genealogy Journey

The year 2020 was rough for many of you. I was not immune to the stresses of that year. However, as we look forward to the year 2021 we can have courage and determination to make this year different for our genealogy. Maybe you were unmotivated this last year to even look at your genealogy. You wanted to just let all of your genealogy go because...

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3 Simple Steps to go from Overwhelm to Productive

Right now we are very accustomed to going through the roller coaster of emotions. This particularly happens when we look at all of the genealogy projects we want to do, right? There’s so many good genealogy activities that will fill our time with joy, but sometimes we feel overwhelmed. There’s just so much to do! So let me share with...

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How to Create Genealogy Goals in 3 Simple Steps

It’s getting to the end of the year and that means it’s time to start looking at the past year and reflecting on it. How did you do this last year?  How can you create genealogy goals for this next year without getting overwhelmed from all of the things you didn’t accomplish this last year? What Did You Learn from Your PastFirst, I want to...

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