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Tag: genealogy projects

Creating a Simple Genealogy Plan for Summer

Do you know how you want to do genealogy this summer? This is my question when summer rolls around every year. What do I want to focus on with my genealogy? How do I want to schedule it into my day? My daughter will be home so do I want to involve her in family history or focus on something else with her? All of these questions float through my mind...

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4 Simple Steps to Create Genealogy Habits

Have you ever found yourself with a lot of genealogy goals and projects, but not a single one done? I have! So in this article we’re talking about how to create genealogy habits that will help you accomplish your genealogy goals and projects.I’ve been reading Atomic Habits by James Clear and I’ve noticed that the rules that he talks about in his...

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3 Easy Steps to Creating My Family Yearbook

Post originally published Feb 28, 2020I love yearbooks! I find great satisfaction creating my family yearbook every year. However, I stopped for a few years because I told myself I didn’t have the time to devote to it anymore. I lost my motivation to do it! Then I found Becky Higgins Project Life App and it changed my perspective. I saw how...

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