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Tag: genealogy

Genealogy Hack: Stay Focused

Our third installment for our Genealogy Research Hack Summer series is to stay focused. I’ve talked about this before, but it’s crucial during summer to stay focused when you’re researching your family. However, it’s also crucial to give yourself a break when summer is getting away from you. Do not beat yourself up because...

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Genealogy Hack: Read the Genealogy Directions

This genealogy hack is a simple, but profound one. Have you ever skipped over the directions because you think you know what that website or genealogy collection is all about? I have! However, over the years I’ve learned that if I want to be a more efficient genealogist, then I need to pick and choose what websites, collections, and places...

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Small Genealogy Research Projects Can Get Results

Time is a valuable commodity these days. We want to do genealogy and find our ancestors, yet we feel we don’t have enough time. I’ve been there! I’ve wondered in the past how I could do genealogy research when I didn’t have hours to devote to it. That’s why I’m sharing some tips to help you find those precious...

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9 Simple Ways to do Genealogy During Spring Break

Spring is here and that means spring break for those of you who have kids in school. Are you ready to do genealogy during spring break? My daughter goes to public school and has a week and a half for spring break. I always both dread and hope for school breaks. Mainly, because I now have to come up with a different schedule for my daughter and my...

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What You CAN Do with a RootsTech Virtual Pass

Are you unable to go to RootsTech in person this year? It’s happening on Feb. 26, 2020. There’s still time for you to purchase the RootsTech virtual pass and learn from your home. Here is what I learned from my virtual learning experience!Virtual Pass ClassesRootsTech offers a virtual pass that costs $129 and gives you access to 30...

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Change Your Genealogy Mindset and Get Things Done

Have you ever sat down at your computer to do some genealogy and felt stuck? What made you feel stuck? Maybe you couldn’t find the records that you needed.  Did you felt disorganized and didn’t know where to begin. Maybe you didn’t feel motivated to do it right then. All of these have one thing in common. It has to do with our minds. Therefore,...

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How do YOU Organize your Genealogy?

Happy New Year everyone! I love a fresh start and the New Year makes it easier to think new thoughts about my life, my family, my career, and my goals. I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions because I’m constantly making goals all year long.  I personally believe that one should be making goals all year and not only making the big goals at New...

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