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Tag: holidays

3 Essential Tools That You Need in Your Genealogy Research Toolkit

Essential genealogy tools are so needed when you are doing research, right? You know you need them, but which ones do you need? Well, it depends on what your problems are. And I’m not saying that you have problems, but if you work with genealogy then you have problems. So with problems come solutions. And just like you have many problems you...

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How to Hygge Like a Scandinavian

The concept of hygge has been around since the 1800s in Denmark, but it originally was derived from the Norwegian word “hugga”, which loosely means to comfort. So hygge is basically any practical way or item that brings you comfort. It also inspires togetherness and contentedness with our situation and with ourselves. It’s winter...

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Your Ancestor’s Occupations Can Lead to More Clues

It’s May Day today! Do you know what that means? It means that the Scandinavian people get the day off from work. It’s a National holiday for most Scandinavians and they enjoy it to the fullest. Actually, they start celebrating the day before May Day because they also get this day off as well in celebration of spring and summer right...

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Genealogy Gifts for Your Family

Have you started thinking about what to give your family for the holidays coming up? One way to really personalize a gift is to give genealogy gifts. I’ve done this a few times in the past and it’s usually a hit with my family even though they are not into genealogy. Genealogy Gifts Do’sDo be thoughtful when thinking about what...

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How Old Christmas Traditions can help with Genealogy

Happy Friday everyone! Isn’t it great to know that the weekend is just around the corner? For some of you that means a whole day or two of genealogy research! Yay! I remember the time before my daughter was born when I could research the whole day and not feel guilty at all for doing it. Now, on a good day, I have until she gets home from school. ...

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A New Way to See Light at Christmas

Hey everyone! How’s it going? During the Christmas season, my family loves to look at the Christmas lights.  I make it a point to show my daughter all of the lights along our way to the grocery store, the bank, the school, etc. My daughter ooh’s and aah’s over them and then usually goes back to playing her tablet. I can’t tell if she’s actually...

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