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Tag: journal

Organize Your Life History and Find Joy

Are you ready to tackle your life history? What about just doing a page at a time? How do you even organize that without getting overwhelmed? I love life histories! I have always kept journals, albeit not perfectly, but I understand the principle about why we do it. I’ve gone back and read journals from when I was 13, 16, a newlywed, a new...

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3 Simple Steps to go from Overwhelm to Productive

Right now we are very accustomed to going through the roller coaster of emotions. This particularly happens when we look at all of the genealogy projects we want to do, right? There’s so many good genealogy activities that will fill our time with joy, but sometimes we feel overwhelmed. There’s just so much to do! So let me share with...

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Genealogy Hack: Journal Like a Pro

Let’s focus on journaling in this article. Journaling is part of genealogy and has the added benefit of being therapeutic. I personally love to journal even though I’m not consistent at it, but that’s ok! Let me share what works for me and my family and you can see if it works for yours.Journal for Busy MomsI know life is tough...

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