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Tag: marriage records

Danish Church Records-Is Your Ancestor in There?

Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of genealogy! Who’s excited to learn about Danish church records? I know that when I first learned about these records, it took some time and effort to understand them. I still need time to translate them, but the format of these records is easier to understand these days. So let me show you what these...

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What about Swedish Church Records?

Hello everyone! Welcome to another week of genealogy! I figured we had enough of Swedish household examinations and moving in and out records for a lifetime. However, if you need a refresher on these records, then click here, here, and here. So let’s change gears a little and talk about Swedish church records and how they connect with the previously...

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Your Ancestor’s Swedish Marriage Records and How to Find Them

Hello everyone! How’s it going this week? Did you have any new genealogy discoveries this week? Has anyone found any Scandinavian marriage records this week that they want to share? Because that’s what we’re going to be finishing the month with is Scandinavian marriage records, specifically Swedish marriage records.  I had someone ask about...

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Scandinavian Marriage Records-More than just Names

Happy Valentine’s month! I hope you’ve had a great week. I also hope you had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday. We will be talking about Scandinavian marriage records in a minute because marriage records are a great topic to talk about for the month of February. But first let me tell you about my Valentine’s day. It was a normal day...

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