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Tag: place names

Finding the Correct Scandinavian Ancestor

This is a big question and one that’s common among the genealogy world. This culture is particularly tough because of it’s naming practices. It’s hard to keep the similar names straight when you are going from one generation to another. So how DO you know if you have the correct Scandinavian ancestor? Here are a few of my tips that...

Continue reading and Search Tips

Hello everyone! How’s your week going? I’m excited to be with you for another week! Have you ever searched on or and they show you a hundred or thousand search results? It can be very overwhelming! Let me tell you about a little known feature on both of them that has helped me be a better and faster researcher.Ancestry.comCard...

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How do I Find Norwegian Place Names?

Hi Friends! I hope everyone has had a good week. I have had an excellent week searching for ancestors. Of course my life isn’t all about ancestors, but that’s my most favorite part besides my family!Let’s talk more about Norway and its people shall we? In fact, just like the title says, let’s talk more about Norwegian place...

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2 Things You Should Know about Norwegian Place Names

Hey everyone! How’s it going? Any genealogy stories to share? I’m working on Johanna’s sister’s family and it’s amazing! I’m learning how to use city records and even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint records.  I found that this religion had a branch in the city where my family was from.  I have yet to find out if they were...

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