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Tag: research

12 RootsTech Classes to Keep You Motivated in Your Genealogy

It’s the week after RootsTech 2023 and I’m feeling bummed that it’s over. I love the inspiration that this event provides and the family history high that I’m just now coming down from.  I still want to learn all things family history so that’s why I turn to past Rootstech classes to keep me motivated. They have saved...

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3 Essential Tools That You Need in Your Genealogy Research Toolkit

Essential genealogy tools are so needed when you are doing research, right? You know you need them, but which ones do you need? Well, it depends on what your problems are. And I’m not saying that you have problems, but if you work with genealogy then you have problems. So with problems come solutions. And just like you have many problems you...

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How to Research the 1950 Census Record

The 1950 Census records are public! Now at the time of this article, they are still being indexed, but the original records can be searched online starting April 1, 2022. So it’s up to you whether you want to wait for them to be indexed or dive into the original records and go page by page. Eventually, they will all be easily accessed on the major...

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5 Proven Steps to Research Your Family Tree

Where do you start when you want to build your family tree? You know you want to do this, but how do you get started and where do you go from here? Sometimes, it’s very obvious on how to get started and sometimes it’s not. Most of us already have a relative who has already done so much on our family tree that you don’t know where...

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5 Reliable Places to Find Genealogists Online

Now that you’ve decided that you need a genealogist to help you with your ancestors. Where do you find one? Do you Google them? Do you find one that’s in your local area or one that’s from a major genealogical website? In this post, I’ll share some online places where genealogists like to hang out.Ancestry or AncestryPro GenealogistsThis...

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Small Genealogy Research Projects Can Get Results

Time is a valuable commodity these days. We want to do genealogy and find our ancestors, yet we feel we don’t have enough time. I’ve been there! I’ve wondered in the past how I could do genealogy research when I didn’t have hours to devote to it. That’s why I’m sharing some tips to help you find those precious...

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Public Family Trees-Can They Help You?

Hello everyone! How has your week been? Has it been crazy busy or slow and steady? Have you tried your hand at the tips I taught last week about Ancestry and Family Search? It’s super awesome, huh? I really have fun using the card catalog and the Family Search catalog. I hope you are having some good luck with them. If not, then drop me a...

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