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Tag: research plans

How to Look Forward on Your Genealogy Journey

The year 2020 was rough for many of you. I was not immune to the stresses of that year. However, as we look forward to the year 2021 we can have courage and determination to make this year different for our genealogy. Maybe you were unmotivated this last year to even look at your genealogy. You wanted to just let all of your genealogy go because...

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Small Genealogy Research Projects Can Get Results

Time is a valuable commodity these days. We want to do genealogy and find our ancestors, yet we feel we don’t have enough time. I’ve been there! I’ve wondered in the past how I could do genealogy research when I didn’t have hours to devote to it. That’s why I’m sharing some tips to help you find those precious...

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How Research Plans Helped Me Get my Genealogy Goals in Shape

Hi friends! How is everyone doing this week? I’m doing great as usual! My life has been pretty normal this past week. We just got done celebrating my daughter’s birthday and I must admit that she is growing up fast! I was just looking at some of her birthday pictures and I was comparing them to her pictures taken last year. I can see the difference! Her...

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