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Tag: storytelling

RootsTech Connect and 4 Valuable Classes from it

Do you want to learn more about genealogy by taking classes? It’s challenging to find the right fit for your time and budget. But at Family Search you get a link to RootsTech Connect, which is the virtual platform for RootsTech 2021. They held the official event in February, but you can still watch classes on a variety of subjects either by...

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5 Simple Tips for Gathering Stories for Genealogy

You are heard…that’s what we ultimately want to feel when we gather as groups to tell stories. Stories bring us together in ways that other methods can’t. Gathering stories is a way for all of us, young and old, to connect with one another. And besides, it’s just plain fun! The holidays are a natural time for people to...

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How to Tell a Better Life Story for Genealogy

Have you ever thought about telling your own life story? Have you ever considered that every one of us has a story to tell? I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic this week. I was introduced to Matthew Dicks who is a storyteller, but he’s also a fifth grade teacher. He’s not professional storyteller, but he does know how to tell...

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