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Tag: tips and tricks

9 Simple Tips on How to Strategize Danish Genealogy

You have Danish ancestry and you’re wondering where to start, right? It’s always good to have a plan or strategy each time you take on a new project. We call this a genealogy plan. So here are a few tips on what to remember before you begin your Danish genealogy. Search Other Family Trees FirstOther people have gone before you with this...

Continue reading and Search Tips

Hello everyone! How’s your week going? I’m excited to be with you for another week! Have you ever searched on or and they show you a hundred or thousand search results? It can be very overwhelming! Let me tell you about a little known feature on both of them that has helped me be a better and faster researcher.Ancestry.comCard...

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Genealogy Travel-Tips and Tricks

It’s travel season everyone! I’ve been feeling the travel bug ever since my neck of the woods has warmed up somewhat. It’s got me thinking about doing some genealogy travel. What is that you ask? It’s where you travel around the world for genealogy purposes. You can travel for researching at archives, for visiting your ancestor’s...

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Wednesday Wisdom

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well so far. This week is a pretty slow week for me so I’m able to catch up on all of my projects that are half done! Woo Hoo! Anyway, I’m starting a new midweek post about tips, tricks, humor, quick stories, pick of the week items, etc. to share with you guys. I hope it’s fun and a little...

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